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Take Control of Your Day by Choosing Your STATE

Do you run your days or do your days run you? Did you know, most of our time in a day is spent on autopilot. We think, feel, & act the same way every day, until we are shocked out of the 'autopilot'. The external shocks can be constructive or destructive, it's scary to leave it to chance! That's where 'internal shock' comes in like a magic wand in our hands, something I am going to tell you about today. Anyhow, are you wondering what's wrong with functioning on autopilot? Well, what's wrong is that you lose control… of your thoughts, your actions, your energy, & gradually on your life. So, how can you get out of the 'autopilot' & take charge of your days & eventually take charge of your life? Read on to discover.

1. Autopilot increases efficiency, if you CHOOSE it

Autopilot mode is made up of our several habits, behaviors, and natural responses to people, things, or circumstances over time. Our brain considers repeated action as favorable action So it smartly picks all our habits and patterns and plays them on repeat as we go on with our lives. This saves us a lot of time & energy spent on redundant activities like brushing your teeth, chewing your food, walking, etc. The problem begins when we decide to do something different in life. Let's pick new-year resolutions for example. Most people want to try new things, change their habits, or transform their lives around new year's. And one thing that's most famous about New Year resolutions is that they tend to fail. Guess, why? Well, because soon after the new-year rush wears out, we fall back on auto-pilot & resume living life in our familiar ways. Remember we can't change our lives until we change how we live our days; we can't change our day until we take charge of our actions; and actions are outcomes of our thoughts, feelings, and intention. If you connect the dots, you will see how autopilot is a mere weapon, it's in our hands to wisely leverage it. The trick is to strike a balance wherein we use auto-pilot for redundant activities and take back charge when change, growth, or evolution is on the horizon.

2. All about STATE

State is nothing but the state of mind you're in. The catch is, that most of us fail to recognize what state of mind we're in. We get so caught up in the loop of day-to-day occurrences that we forget to check in with ourselves on how we're feeling, what we're thinking, what's our north star, etc. When something favorable happens to us, we are in a good state of mind. In the good state, you are the most optimum version of your being. When something unfavorable happens to us, we switch to a bad state. We feel all sorts of negative feelings & think all sorts of self-destructive, gloomy, or pessimistic thoughts. Our actions are mediocre, our spirit fizzles away, our smile leaves us. I want to tell you today that IT IS POSSIBLE TO SWITCH TO A GOOD STATE. You read that right! You are capable of changing your state from bad to good…from destructive to productive…from toxic to healthy…from gloomy to shiny. All you got to do is…BREAK THE STATE. Breaking a negative state is like turning the AUTOPILOT OFF & taking back the reins in your hands. The State Change Formula: CRAZY - Five 30-second Steps To Change Your State

a. Cut the loop

When you are caught up in mud fighting a pig, you don't realise what you're doing. Only if someone pulls you out & shows you the mirror, you will see what you were will realise how futile your fight was! When you can dissociate and come out of a destructive or a counter-productive thought chain, it feels like a dark cloud has lifted. That feeling is very similar to being able to drop a sack of rocks you had meaninglessly been carrying around, wasting your time and energy. So, you need to cut the loop you're caught up in. You need to step out of the cycle that is not serving you. When you catch yourself in an unfavorable state, CHOOSE to STOP whatever you are thinking, feeling, & doing. Break the state for that ONE moment.

b. Replace with STATE CHANGE Action

So, you cut the loop & stopped thinking & feeling whatever it was that you were thinking & feeling. Great! Now, it's time for replacing the blah with the AWESOME! Pick any absolutely non-related crazy action…listening to a high-pitched sound clip..doing a particularly funny dance move..pinching yourself mildly..pulling your cheek..loudly & funnily saying "ANYWAY", "ANYHOW", "SO", etc…Get creative with your replacement. The idea is to shock your mind & body (in a healthy way).

c. Ask Right Questions

You are effectively out of the unfavourable state. What next? Well, you now need to enter into a favourable state. You will do this by asking yourself few powerful questions: What do I need to Feel to be in my optimum state of being? What do I need to DO to be in my optimum state of being? How can I zoom in on my priorities and blur out the rest?

d. Zoom Out

Once you've quickly answered these questions in your mind..time to zoom out! Look at the BIG PICTURE of your life. Look at how this is just a moment of a day of your life. Look at how you are a teeny, tiny, precious human being on a giant planet, in a gigantic Universe! Look at how futile your loops were & how relieving it is that you are out of it. Phew! Zoom out, peace out!

e. Your Reality - Your Choice

With a mind as fresh as a daisy & body and spirit as aligned as the infinity symbol, you can now choose which state you want to enter into next. You can fill this State with all sorts of empowering thoughts, beliefs, & feelings as you deem fit. Remember, entering an unfavorable state is not your fault, but choosing to stay there is.

3. How changing your state gives you back your power

When you change your state, your mind observes & realizes that it is not the master, YOU are! Gradually, with practice, you train your mind to support you in fulfilling your life vision with the help of discipline, focus, & energy.

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